dsc_6339Even city dwellers have several choices to actively take part in reducing climate crisis. Many tiny GREEN changes remarkably contribute to decrease present and approaching crises. However, those who take their roll seriously even try to get out from the consumer society’s madness. Gradual reduction of demands improve every individual’s inner harmony and tranquility, rather than accumulating newer and newer goods.
You vote with your money. Prefer national or even more regional or local products. This can help local small farmers to maintain their economy and also to reduce pollution and cost of transportation. In case of the approaching food supply crisis, the strengthening of local production will be extremely important as opposed to centralized large-scale farming and long-distance transportation. In fact, the best we can do is to start our own production even at the smallest scale. To shift to vegetarian diet is also a great contribution to reduce burden on the environment and to maintain our health.
It is advisable to move to a village sooner or later . The best is to join an existing ecovillage or if that is not possible then start a new one. For this, it is worth to learn from already existing ecovillages. Krishna-valley is willing to share its experience with anyone who is interested.

The village: a real solution

According to international researches it is obvious that the problem of green house gas emissions and other pollutants are only some of the umpteenth links in a further stretching causal chain. Global climate crisis and the following ecological, economic and social crisis are rooted in previous crises as a consequence of general thinking and approach. Only such people or communities allow themselves to pollute their own environment which neglect their connection to theirs essential conditions that are ensured by nature. Therefore, even experts of highest political levels suggest simultaneous change of structures in relation to economy and approach as well.
According to UNESCO expert Guilhem Calvo, to maintain the current situation is not a solution anymore. He proposes to create such an agriculture which is less dependent on fuel and supports the utilization of local resources on local level. Another UNESCO study proposes to introduce more effectively the lobbying systems and ecologically sustainable agricultural methods. In a report for UNESCO made by a scientific group of 400 experts (IAASTD) the following ideas can be found:
1. Benefits of agricultural development are extremely uneven and it has tremendous social and environmental cost for the whole mankind
2. Farmers have to learn applying “natural processes” like for instance crop rotation and use of manure
3. Distance between producers and consumers has to be reduced

The Eco Valley Program

15 years ago we recognised the absolute importance of taking responsibility personally and in a small community. Consequently, we founded Krishna Valley to solve the problems above. Residents of the community try to achieve harmony deriving from ancient, holistic Vedic principles in economy with collective work. The spiritual community of Krishna Valley has become an exemplary ecovillage for today. This community aims to be exemplary in the field of ecological production and environment-friendly technologies, organic farming and craftsmanship for those seeking a genuine sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.
The Eco Valley Program, started in Krishna Valley is a village size experiment which has 150 volunteers and already includes almost 50 research institutes. They contribute to the program with their own work, research and experience. The results show if enviro-consciousness is present in everyday life of the community. This project provides a model to deal with social, ecological and economic problems via the lifestyle of a village community.

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