This Earth Overshoot Day is the same old story…
August 1st marks the point that humanity has exhausted the planet’s natural resources available for the year. By the time we reach the end of 2024, the average person will have used up the natural resources of around 1.7 Earths. 🌍🌎
Until we can get a hold on demand management, this tendency is unlikely to change. People do not need ‘stuff’ to be content and at peace. We can be happy even without stuff! 😉
That is valid for food as well – eating a bit of everything in moderation, following a diet that centres around fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains is healthy, satisfying and much more sustainable than what we are doing at the moment.

And the Earth Overshoot Day is not just an overshoot for the planet. As the impacts of climate change become more tangible and real, we see food prices ‘overshooting’ too. Andy Young – Sustainability Expert shared the example of olive oil🫒 in LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago which has doubled in price and is now more expensive than champagne! 🍾
Moving to a more circular economy, reducing demand and shifting to sustainable food systems will all be critical to improve our chances of maintaining life as we know it.
Give the Earth a chance this year (and in the future) folks!