Last week I participated in the first training course of Impact Entrepreneurship that has been based on the Joyful Entrepreneurship project. Youth workers and educators from
Hungary, and
Portugal were learning key concepts about entrepreneurship and acquired competencies on the intersection of impact entrepreneurship and non-formal education.

It was my first time being part of a non-formal educational program, and I think it was the experience I missed in school within formal education. While the training was informative the best part was the way it was presented. As an entrepreneur it has been a long term plan of mine to give an insight to young people in my community into independent businesses, but I did not have any ideas how to make it fun, which I think is necessary to be able to inspire them. The training by OAZA Academy shared tools and methods that I can use in the future, which would have been difficult for me to figure out on my own. They can help young people – and not so young as well – from the start in order that they figure out if entrepreneurship is meant for them, if they have the necessary mindset and skills for it, to the point where they are ready to work on projects and realizing their business ideas. I love how much we were taught by playing games, which can be used in teaching young people or can be modified according to specified needs of the learners.

Another element of the training was the association of like minded individuals, that I found invigorating and refreshing along with meeting people from various countries from Europe.
The organisation was perfect, the programs informative and entertaining, and the food was wonderful. I am really grateful to OAZA Academy to implement this project and for ERASMUS+ for making this possible by supporting it.
Hajna Keszthelyi