The project coordinators from our eight partner organisations of the project convened in Cantabria, Spain for the final personal meeting. Drawing near the end of the partnership project the objectives were to finalize project results, evaluate the project, as well as explore future collaboration opportunities.

Day 1: Project Status and Evaluation

The meeting began with updates on the project status from each coordinator, focusing on project completion. Coordinators shared progress reports and identified tasks requiring attention before the project’s conclusion.

The primary focus of the day was analyzing and evaluating key project results and outputs:

  • Online Educational Platform (OEP): Significant progress has been made, with several blogs, articles, quizzes and videos already published, while others were nearing completion.
  • Group Section & Social Media Platforms: These tools were also identified as vital for ensuring the sustainability of project results.
  • Transnational Project Meetings & Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA): Three transnational meetings (in Germany, France and Spain) and three LTTAs (in Hungary, Sweden and Italy) have been successfully completed with very positive feedback from the participants at the LTTAs. 

In the evening, the group paid an informal visit to the host, i.e. the Banyan Tree organization to learn about their activities and rural entrepreneurship initiatives.

Day 2: Dissemination and Final Report Preparation

The morning sessions of the second day focused on the Multiplier Events and Dissemination Efforts, critical for promotion and visibility of the project to a broader audience. Each coordinator presented reports on completed and planned Multiplier Events, where project materials and experiences were shared. Partners shared and gathered ideas on the structure of multiplier events in order to organize them and reach out to the target groups as effectively as possible.

In the afternoon, preparations for the final report were addressed. Coordinators reviewed project documentation from each organization, ensuring consistency, structure and completeness. Furthermore, efforts were made to verify that all necessary documents were uploaded to the shared Google Drive, and missing items were identified for a follow-up.

The day concluded with a meeting with a local pizza caterer, who shared insights into his entrepreneurial journey while inviting the team to delicious pizzas, samosas and ice-cream.

Day 3: Final Agenda Items and Future Planning

The final day began with addressing outstanding agenda items from previous sessions. The discussions then shifted to brainstorming potential future projects, emphasizing initiatives to enhance youth work and community support. Several promising ideas were documented for future collaboration.

The meeting concluded with an evaluation of this third and final Transnational Project Meeting. The host organization and the Hungarian project coordinator, who managed the project in general, expressed gratitude to all participants for their steady dedication and collaboration throughout the project.

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