We are delighted to be partners in a new strategic partnership project that focuses on entrepreneurship, and which is supported by the Erasmus+ program and we have just had our first transnational project meeting. The meeting was held in Somogyvámos and we have chosen the Rádhé Resort Center as the venue for our guests’ accommodation and the meeting.

Most of the time of the meeting was dedicated to defining the foundation and building the details of the skeleton of the new Erasmus+ project entitled Joyful Entrepreneurship. This was the first time we met with the other teams in person in order to develop the project. The other project partners are from Croatia and Portugal.

Naturally, we were working hard, but not missing the joy of each other’s company. Our organization, the Eco-Valley Foundation is also participating in this joyful project, which is to some extent a continuation and development of a previous Erasmus+ project called Joyful Leadership, which we developed and implemented with some of the members of this project’s partner organizations.

During the project we will develop an online training course for young entrepreneurs and also an onsite training will be held for the most successful participants. The online interface for the training will be ready at the beginning of next year with lots of videos and useful educational material. Then next spring we will have a 7-day training course, and we will take start-up entrepreneurs from their idea to the initial stage of implementation.

Many details were agreed upon personally during the days of the meeting and the development of the educational material of the project is currently underway. But the most significant outcome was the bond and connection we developed with our partners. We learned a lot from each other how to be better at what we do.