Our organisation and its partners are supported by the European Commission within Erasmus+ programme, and it is the Eco Valley Foundation (Öko-völgy Alapítvány) which coordinates a Strategic Partnership project called Rural Entrepreneurship for Yout(th) [2021-1-HU01-KA220-YOU-000029893] for young people who are interested in the topic of rural entrepreneurship that is addressed within the project.

The partnership has been established among the partner organisations based on various needs as:
- to help unemployment among young people in rural areas
- to promote rural entrepreneurship among youth by providing young people with practical entrepreneurial ideas, knowledge, competencies and skills
- to show good examples of living a healthy lifestyle in rural areas
- to help youth create their own rural business ventures in areas of green jobs.
There are 8 project partners which come from different European countries and the project itself will be carried out internationally in order to transfer and implement innovative practices more successfully in the countries of the partner organisations and to have greater influence in those European countries where the partner organisations are from, as well as to use proficiency to the greatest degree from different European backgrounds.
The project partners are the following organisations from their respective European countries:
Hungary: Öko-völgy Alapítvány az Alkalmazott Fenntarthatóságért, in the role of coordinating organization
France: ARGM
Germany: ISKCON Abentheuer Goloka-dhama-Verein e.V.
Italy: Food for Life A.P.S.
Slovenia: Duhovno Društvo za Dušo
Spain: The Banyan Tree
Sweden: ISKCON Almvik
Ukraine: Charitable Foundation “Dobro” of Dnepropetrovsk Region

Within the 3-year-long project we will create an Online Educational Platform for youth and use different social media channels to disseminate knowledge, as well as organise Learning, Teaching, Training Activities for the youth and Transnational Project Meetings for the project management team.
The objectives of our project are strongly connected with the Europe 2020 strategy that emphasizes smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the structural weaknesses in Europe’s economy. Here are the envisaged objectives of the project:
1. to develop entrepreneurial skills, offer new ideas of green and media jobs, and foster skills and competencies within the participants which will promote entrepreneurial attitudes and be relevant for and enhance employment opportunities
2. to promote sustainability (social, environmental, economic, and cultural), self-reliance and social inclusion
3. to promote a healthy, balanced lifestyle among young people
4. to provide participants with intercultural experience and create appreciation, tolerance, and awareness of different cultures
5. to promote Erasmus+ opportunities for youth, the ESC idea and Youthpass
6. to support the internationalization of our organizations
7. to develop transversal skills of youth workers and youth
The aim of the project is to develop a collaborative, interactive educational online platform and offer new practical entrepreneurship ideas, knowledge, skills, and competencies that will support, promote, and inspire self-reliant, sustainable living and youth entrepreneurship in rural areas and therefore enhance youth employment in provincial areas in the countries of the partners and beyond. We strongly believe that the project activities will give youth many learning opportunities for development and that they will utilise that in their personal and professional lives, and moreover, not only they will benefit from the project, but also the organization they belong to and their respective communities as well.