Teachers’ Conference on Environmental Education

Among the programs of the 15th anniversary of Krishna Valley’s establishment, on 31st October, 2008 we organized a teachers’ conference to emphasise the importance of education about enviro-consciousness. The conference hosted nearly 60 guests, teachers from our region.

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Preserving Physical and Mental Health

The environmentally conscious mindset of the Eco Valley Programme’s three basic pillars is the creation of sustainability for the unity of individual, society and environment. An important element of this is the maintenance of physical and mental health.

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Social Development

The eco-village can be viewed as a model experiment, where all age groups are represented. People with various skills, qualifications and abilities work together each and every day for their community, sharing their tasks and also spending their free time together.

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Botanical Garden

At the planning stages of the botanical garden (11 ha, more than 600 species), besides the afforestation of streets and planting larger green areas with trees and shrubs, we try to take into consideration cheap levitra professional the needs of the village along with the effects of a changing climate.

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The Eco Valley Programme has an apiary based project – similar that of animal husbandry – which has provided unmatched achievements at local as well as international levels.

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