It’s not too late to give your feedback to the Smart Protein project!

Last year, in collaboration with the Universities of Ghent and Copenhagen, we released our highly acclaimed report Evolving Appetites as part of the Smart Protein project. This comprehensive study delved into the acceptance of plant-based diets among consumers. Now, we are eager to hear from you! How did you perceive the relevance of our report, and how did it […]

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Rural Entrepreneurship for You(th) Training Activity in Sweden

The Learning, Teaching, Training Activity (LTTA) Meeting in Jarna, Sweden had the focus on Sustainable Forestry, Selecting and Felling of Trees, Sawing and Planking, dovetailed with entrepreneurship ideas in rural areas and product marketing. Participants also had the opportunity to improve different competences such as intercultural or social competences.  The first day was an introduction […]

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First Training Activity for Young People in the Rural Entrepreneurship for You(th) Project

This 5-day LTTA training activity took place in a picturesque village of Somogyvámos in Hungary at the end of August. A month before the LTTA training took place we organized an online training with an expert from Hungary about the project itself and the topic of photo- and videography, which was attended about a dozen of participants […]

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V-label Survey

In our view vegan [and vegetarian] products should be widespread, popular and easily recognizable. If you agree, help us make it happen by filling out our short survey by clicking here! The survey is anonymous and there are 24 questions in it. The data of the survey responses do not contain any identifying information about […]

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10 Reasons to go Vegan

Have you ever thought of the advantages of becoming vegan and follow a completely plant based diet? Well, whether you have, or have not, this short, straight to the point video summarizes why it is beneficial to follow a plant based diet, popularly known as veganism. Please watch the video to find out the reasons […]

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Poisoned Earth

Poisoned Earth is a documentary about soil degradation and its effects on our life. The creation of the film was supported by the Hungarian Media Patronage Programme of the Media Council. Man has been farming for 11,000 years and has been plowing for about two and a half thousand years. By 1950, the world’s arable […]

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Ox Training Seminar in the Model Community

An Ox Training Seminar was held in Krishna Valley in one of the model communities of Eco Valley Foundation. The founders of ISCOWP travelled to Krishna Valley farming community in Hungary to help present the week-long Ox Training Seminar which was held between April 17 and 24. Attendees came from Croatia, Germany, the Czech Republic, […]

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