A free report on plant-based food in Europe

The Smart Protein team has exciting news to share with you! A pan-European survey, published by ProVeg International, in partnership with Innova Market Insights, the University of Copenhagen, and Ghent University, as part of the Smart Protein project, has just been published and is available to download for free. Access the free report now! The pan-European survey has been published and analyzed in […]

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Launching our Rural Entrepreneurship for You(th) project

Our organisation and its partners are supported by the European Commission within Erasmus+ programme, and it is the Eco Valley Foundation (Öko-völgy Alapítvány) which coordinates a Strategic Partnership project called Rural Entrepreneurship for Yout(th) [2021-1-HU01-KA220-YOU-000029893] for young people who are interested in the topic of rural entrepreneurship that is addressed within the project. The partnership […]

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The reason behind rising global food prices that are higher today than for most of modern history

Global food prices shot up nearly 33% in September 2021 compared with the same period the year before. That’s according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)‘s monthly Food Price Index, which also found that global prices have risen by more than 3% since July, reaching levels not seen since 2011. The Food Price […]

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Billions of bees, butterflies, and beetles… are dying off, threatening ecological collapse. Toxic agricultural pesticides are among the key culprits, but now a European Citizen Initiative could get them phased out. One million signatures would force the EU to address our call, helping to save our bees from deadly pesticides. The insect apocalypse keeps unfolding – silently, […]

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We throw away one third of the food we grow

The COVID pandemic has shown the fragility of our global food supply chains, with many supermarkets and restaurants in almost every country having experienced food shortages. Millions of people in the UK alone have experienced severe food insecurity during COVID-19, according to a recent report by the country’s Foods Standards Agency. But food shortages were prevalent […]

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EU Rejects Controversial Amendment 171 to Restrict Plant-based Dairy Terminology

EU bodies have rejected Amendment 171 (AM171), the draft legislation which would have imposed new restrictions on the terminology used by the plant-based dairy sector. The EU has already banned the use of dairy-derived terms such as ‘almond milk’ or ‘vegan cheese’, and this amendment would have had further implications for the dairy alternatives sector, […]

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V-label Survey

In our view vegan [and vegetarian] products should be widespread, popular and easily recognizable. If you agree, help us make it happen by filling out our short survey by clicking here! The survey is anonymous and there are 24 questions in it. The data of the survey responses do not contain any identifying information about […]

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Russia Aiming to Plant a Billion Trees by 2030

Much of Russia’s Far East is so vast and remote that it’s mostly been left to the bears, wolves and rare breed of tiger that live there. Now the Kremlin wants to use it to convince the world that the country is doing its part to fight climate change. Russia, the world’s biggest energy exporter and one of its […]

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