World Food Clock

Of course it is much more than the figures show. Clicking on the link below, you may have some perception on global production, consumption, emission and pollution. Second by second… To watch the World Food Clock click here. (Showed in several pages.)

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Sustainable Agriculture

Landscape in Krishna Valley at the time of its foundation, back in 1993 was quite similar like that of outside its territory: huge areas of arable land with some tree lines. Today’s agriculture aimed at small-scale, sustainable farming has established a mosaic-structured landscape on the whole terrain of Krishna Valley, which are apparent if you […]

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Fresh Vegetables Throughout Winter

There is a huge misunderstanding that we have to lack fresh vegetables from the garden or tray from the balcony during winter. Naturally, we have to grow most of high-nutrient tubers and root-crops in general growing period, nonetheless, vegetables that can be produced in wintertime may be used as complement food, one that supplements our […]

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Cow Protection and Ox Power

In Krishna Valley we call cattle herding quite distinctively, namely Cow Protection, indicating its sharp difference from the generally spread industrialized method of stock farming. In Krishna Valley animals are never ever slaughtered, their keeping is done with care, humanely. For instance, they are milked by hand and we are content with the amount of […]

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Eco-friendly Wastewater Management 1. – Principles

In our green household series, so far we have spoken on eco-friendly washing detergents and gels. One of the main reasons of using them is that they function in an eco-friendly way, that is to say to use these makes less damage to the environment than the use of their conventional equivalents. In the following […]

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